
St. Louis Concert Details

Lexi's mom made a great review regarding the St. Louis Concert... Visit her BLOG to read it.

I'm jealous of everyone who was able to attend the concert at Basilica. The place is amazing and I'm sure so are the boys...

Anyhoo, Lexi also posted pictures of the MEET AND GREET, I must say that it looks like the boys are enjoying the tour. Just noticed that Sam is using the "Philippines" wristband, fan gave to them. It feels great the he remembers Philippines. :) Thank you for allowing me to link your blog here. :)

Anyhoo, another set of wonderful photos taken by Luke Ray can be viewed HERE and wonderful photos from St. Louis Cathedral HERE.

Just a reminder that if you will take out any pictures, it is always nice to ask the owners first and credit them. :)


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